Религия: вірю в Бога....він завжди зі мною, шоб не сталось......
Музыка:Tokio Hotel, Secondhand Serenade, My Chemical Romance, Chemical Vocation, Intohimo, Hopes die last, Mozard Season, Blessthefall, 30 second to Mars, A day to Remember, Adema, Lafee, Silversteia, Sum 41, Three Days Grase, 3OH.3, The Word Alive, Novella, Escape the Fate, Cinema Bizarre, Killerpilze, Nevada Tan, NeverShoutNever, The Red Jumpsuid Apparatus, The Spill Canvas, Hawthorne Height, Christian Linke, 3 Doors Down, Avril Lavin, AFI, Fall Out Boy, Холодне сонце, Монтекрісто, A Vain Attempt, Dear Whoever, Story Of The Year, MULTIPASS, Morris Mayhem, AmadoNervo